Get the ending to Book 2 from Grant's perspective FREE Get My CopyGet My Book Today

The ending we all waited for. I was so addicted to these characters for so long and definitely love the outcome of this final book in the series. To get the full effect and background, you really need to read all the parts to this series. You will understand so much more of how they all connect. Well done.

Ana has everything a person could ever want: an exciting and wildly successful career, a big house in the country, good friends to keep her laughing.

But the higher she climbs into fame and fortune, the more she can’t deny there’s really only one thing she wants…

The love of the man who broke her heart all those years ago.

Ana’s Home is the fourth and final book of the Legrand Series. Books are meant to be read in order. The series ends as promised. 😉 Much love to all my readers who have stuck with me, and to the new ones just discovering the series. <3 Scarlet

Books in the Legrand Series are:
Call Me Ana
Call Me Yours
Ana’s Home

Available on Kindle Unlimited at: